Equivariant stable homotopy theory (G-Spectra)
Video Courses
Equivariant stable homotopy (4 lectures)
Michael Hill - MSRI Summer School at CIMAT, 2014.Motivic and equivariant stable homotopy groups (3 lectures)
Daniel Isaksen - IHES Summer School, 2020.Global homotopy theory (22 lectures)
Stefan Schwede - Bonn University Lecture Course, 2020.The equivariant slice spectral sequence (4 lectures)
Bert Guillou - eCHT Mini-Course, 2022.Equivariant cohomology (3 lectures)
Clover May - eCHT Mini-Course, 2020.An Introduction to equivariant stable homotopy theory (1 lecture)
Mona Merling - MSRI Connections Workshop Floer Homotopy Theory Program 2022.
Lecture Notes
Lectures on equivariant stable homotopy theory
Stefan Schwede, 2022.Equivariant homotopy theory
Andrew Blumberg - UT Austin course notes, 2017.
Papers and Books
Equivariant homotopy and cohomology theory (known as "the Alaska Notes")
J. Peter May (et al.), 1996.Equivariant stable homotopy theory
L. G. Lewis, J. P. May, M. Steinberger, 1986.Equivariant orthogonal spectra and S-modules
M. A. Mandell, J. P. May, 2000.On the nonexistence of elements of Kervaire invariant one
M. A. Hill, M. J. Hopkins, D. C. Ravenel, 2016.Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory and the Kervaire Invariant Problem (Book)
M. A. Hill, M. J. Hopkins, D. C. Ravenel, 2021.Global homotopy theory (Book)
Stefan Schwede, 2018.